Free Bible Study

  1. Do you want to grow closer to God?
  2. Do you want to learn more about our Savior?
  3. Do you want to know how to be saved?
  4. Are you a Christian? Sign up for this FREE Bible Study in order to learn more about God's word!

Welcome! We are the Hillcrest congregation located in Brookhaven, MS. We are a group of undenominational Christians that believe in serving God based on what the Bible says in the New Testament. We believe in worshipping God every Sunday, the first day of the week, and hope you can join us. It is our passion to spread His gospel to all. We believe that God has revealed His mind and will through the New Testament writings and following the instructions, commandments, and examples He set, we can be pleasing in His sight. We hope that you will allow us to study God's word with you, not only through the various features of this website, but in person. We are "not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes!" (Romans 1:16) "The Churches of Christ salute you." (Romans 16:16)

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12 Reasons Why You Should Investigate The Church Of Christ (Closing Remarks))

Ronny Wade


12 Reasons Why You Should Investigate the Church of Christ (Introduction)

Ronny Wade


12 Reasons Why You Should Investigate The Church Of Christ (Reason #1)

Ronny Wade


12 Reasons Why You Should Investigate The Church Of Christ (Reason #10)

Ronny Wade


12 Reasons Why You Should Investigate The Church Of Christ (Reason #11)

Ronny Wade


12 Reasons Why You Should Investigate The Church Of Christ (Reason #12)

Ronny Wade
