Bible Study
Welcome! We ask that you complete the New Student Survey in the Introduction portion of this series to get started with this study. Once you complete the New Student Survey we will provide you a password that can be used to take lesson one. If you have any questions please reach out to us!
+1 601-695-8465 Carter Culbertson
+1 417-499-6956 Josiah Nichols
Unlocking the Bible
Lesson 1 - You Can Understand the Bible!
Do you understand the Bible? Many people are taught that the Bible cannot be understood without some miraculous aid, or at least a special college education. Thus, most people leave the task of understanding the Bible to preachers, or some other person. But this is not God’s will! God wants all of His people to understand His Word.
Lesson 2 - The Sin Problem and Its Solution.
What is sin? Is sin breaking the laws of the government? Or is it merely the violation of current social standards? Is sin a disease? Is sin a mistake? Is sin a condition in which all people inescapably exist?
Lesson 3 - What Must I Do To Be Saved?
God worked in Christ to remedy the sin problem for the entire world (2 Corinthians 5.18-19), but the question remains: What must I do to be saved? What does an individual have to do in order to receive the gift of eternal life (Romans 6.23)? In this study, we shall consider the Biblical answer to that question.
Lesson 4 - The New Testament Church
In anticipation of His death on the cross, Jesus prophesied that even death would not prevent Him from accomplishing His great purpose in coming to earth: to build His Church.
Lesson 5 - The Worship of the Church
The word “worship” means: “to ascribe worth or value to a thing or person.” Christians are commanded to worship God (John 4.24). The church, or congregation, is the temple of God where acceptable worship may be offered (1 Peter 2.5).